Sleeve diamonds with Gothic or Roman letters:
A (Gothic) – pharmacist (= Apotheker)
AO (Roman) – member of the AO (= Auslandsorganisation der NSDAP)
S (Roman) – technical NCO (= Schirrmeister)
SD (Roman, no piping) – personnel of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and the SD
SD (Roman, with piping) – former personnel of the Gestapa and the Stapostellen transferred to the SD
Z (Gothic) – dentist (= Zahnarzt)
Sleeve diamonds with Runic symbols:
“Lebensrune” (= Life rune) – members of the Stiftung “Ahnenerbe” (maybe used by the SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt as well)
“Odal-Rune” – personnel of the SS-Rasse- and Siedlungshauptamt, including Fachführer and Fachunterführer
“Sigrunen” (= “SS”-runes), no piping – worn by all SS personnel on fencing jackets
“Sigrunen” (= “SS”-runes), with piping – worn by personnel of the Germanische SS in Flanders, Holland and Norway
“Tyr-Rune” – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the SS-Hauptamt assigned to Ergänzung, Erfassung und Schulung
“Wolfsangel” (= “Wolf Hook”) – unknown, but listed in a price list dated March 1941
Sleeve diamonds with symbols of other organizations:
Hitler Youth emblem – possibly for former members of the Hitler Youth who had volunteered for service with the Waffen-SS; other possibilities are SS/HJ-liaison officers and SS personnel assigned to training HJ-personnel
Kyffhäuserbund emblem – former members of the Kyffhäuserbund
NSKK emblem – former NSKK personnel who have volunteered for service with the Totenkopfverbände
Police emblem (eagle) – former Ordnungspolizei personnel serving with the Waffen-SS
Reichskriegerbund emblem – former members of the NS-RKB
SA emblem – former SA personnel who have volunteered for service with the Totenkopfverbände
TENO emblem – former personnel of the Technische Nothilfe
Lances, crossed – Allgemeine SS cavalry personnel
Lightning bolt – signals personnel not serving with signals units
Lyre – bandmaster (= Musikzugführer)
Machine gun and rifle, crossed – armorer NCO (= Waffenunterführer)
Pickaxes, crossed over a shovel with downward-pointing blade – members of the technical training company of the Eisleben mining school
Shovel and pickaxe, crossed – personnel of the Allgemeine SS engineer units
Steering wheel, decorated with oakleaves – Allgemeine SS cross-country sports driver
Wheel (spoked) – personnel of the Allgemeine SS motor units/Kraftfahrstürme and transport leader on the staff of an SS sub-district (= Transportführer im Stab eines SS-Abschnittes)
Aesculapius rod (outlines only) – medical personnel
Snake (no rod) – officers and NCOs in veterinary service
Cornflower – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the Reichskommissariat für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums – Volksdeutschenmittelstelle (Gruppe Volkstumsarbeit)
“Edelweiß” flower – officers with rank of Standartenführer or above attached to the 87th Fußstandarte (Innsbruck) or Abschnitt XXXVI (Innsbruck), also personnel of the Pioniersturmbann 15 (Salzburg)
Elk horns – officers with rank of Standartenführer or above attached to the 105th Fußstandarte (Memel)
Horseshoe – farrier (= Hufbeschlagpersonal)Sleeve diamonds with “star” symbol (= administrative series)Star (eight-pointed) – leader in administrative service
Star (eight-pointed) over crossed ears of corn – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (Gruppe Landwirtschaftliche Verwaltung)
Star (eight-pointed) over a pair of dividers – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (Gruppe Bauwesen)
Star (eight-pointed) over capital letter “W” – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (Gruppe Wirtschaftsbetriebe)Sleeve diamonds with „target“ symbol (= shooting award series)
Target (4 concentric rings) – shooting award, 2nd class (= Schießabzeichen, II. Klasse)
Target (3 concentric rings) with 2 crossed oak leaves – shooting award, 1st class (= Schießabzeichen, I. Klasse)
Target (5 concentric rings) with a half-wreath of oak leaves – shooting award, marksman (= Schießabzeichen, Scharfschütze)
Target (5 concentric rings) with a full wreath of oak leaves – shooting award, master shot (= Schießabzeichen, Meisterschützenklasse)
Sleeve diamonds with the national emblem (= eagle holding a wreathed swastika)
National emblem, “Police” style with “SS” runes above – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Gruppe SS- und Polizeiwesen)
National emblem, wings spread – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer SS (Gruppe Presse und Kriegswirtschaft)
National emblem with drooped wings above a plow – Fachführer and Fachunterführer with the Reichskommissariat für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums – Stabshauptamt (Gruppe Siedlung)
Death’s head, black/aluminum piping – NCOs and men serving on the staff of a concentration camp commander