Extremely rare printed reproduction of the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz SANITATSKOLONNE DRK armband. Beautifully reproduced armband difficult to obtain as an original so here is your opportunity.
medical column
A paramedic was a voluntary organized group of rescue workers who were able to provide first aid services during war and peace. Sanctity columns emerged in the nineteenth century as organizations from the war effort. They provided their members, in so far as they did not belong to the reserve, the armed forces or the spare reserve, to the Red Cross in times of war. As a rule, they were used as accompaniment and transport personnel in hospital and hospital nursing homes, and only in special emergency cases to reinforce the medical units on the battlefield. They then went under the provisions of the order of warfare. In times of peace they should strive to deal with accidents such as fire and water scarcity, railroad and factory accidents and epidemics, and strive closely with the state and community authorities. They were trained in such a way that they were able to provide emergency associations, but especially to transport the injured or sick. Members of a paramedic could only become members of a club belonging to the Deutscher Kriegerbund.